Book Shipment


The BookShipment method places an order for your selected service. The response (if successful) includes an order reference, a breakdown of the billing for the order, the file content in Base64 encoding for any labels and other shipment documentation for the order along with download links.

Using the BookShipment method.

There are two ways you can book a shipment on this method:

  1. Supply a QuoteID
  2. Supply Shipment Details

Supplying a QuoteID

Quote id for a shipment can be obtained by submitting a request to the GetQuote method. A successful response will return the QuoteID for that shipment:

JSON response QuoteID XML response QuoteID

The QuoteID can then be used in the QuoteSelection section of the book request to use the shipment information from the quote request without having to re-submit it.

Supply Shipment Details

Instead of submitting a QuoteID the full shipment details can be specified within the book request via the Shipment property. This uses the same structure as the Shipment object from the GetQuote request, so the same logic used to construct that section of the GetQuote request on your implementation will work for populating the book request.

IMPORTANT: To prevent ambiguity when placing an order, the BookShipment method will reject any requests that have both the QuoteSelection and Shipment properties populated.

The Request

JSON - QuoteSelection version
  "Credentials": {
    "APIKey": "[API KEY]",
    "Password": "[API PASSWORD]"
  "QuoteSelection": {
    "QuoteID": 183
  "BookDetails": {
    "ServiceID": 53,
    "YourReference": "MyRef123",
    "ShippingCharges": 45.89,
    "Collection": {
        "CollectionDate": "2020-04-07",
        "ReadyFrom": "12:30",
        "CollectionOptionID": 1
    "BookAccessories": [
            "Code": "SIG"
    "Insurance": {
        "CoverValue": 119.78,
        "ExcessValue": 20.0,
        "GoodsAreNew": true,
        "GoodsAreFragile": false
    "DeliveryInstructions": "Leave in the porch"

XML - QuoteSelection version
<BookShipmentRequest xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
        <APIKey>[API KEY]</APIKey>
        <Password>[API PASSWORD]</Password>
JSON - Shiment version
    "Credentials": {
        "APIKey": "[API KEY]",
        "Password": "[API PASSWORD]"
    "Shipment": {
        "Consignment": {
            "ItemType": "Parcel",
            "ItemsAreStackable": true,
            "ConsignmentSummary": "Stationary",
            "ConsignmentValue": 50.45,
                "CurrencyCode": "GBP"
            "Packages": [
                    "Weight": 25.0,
                    "Length": 30.0,
                    "Width": 20.0,
                    "Height": 10.0,
                    "CommodityDetails": [
                            "CommodityCode": "8708999790",
                            "CommodityDescription": "Car Batteries",
                            "CountryOfOrigin": {
                                "CountryCode": "DE"
                            "NumberOfUnits": 5,
                            "UnitValue": 15.5,
                            "UnitWeight": 4.0,
                            "ProductCode": "YourProductCode",
                            "ManufacturerAddress": {
                                "CompanyName": "[MANUFACTURER ADDRESS COMPANY NAME]",
                                "AddressLineOne": "[MANUFACTURER ADDRESS LINE 1]",
                                "AddressLineTwo": "[MANUFACTURER ADDRESS LINE 2]",
                                "City": "[MANUFACTURER ADDRESS CITY]",
                                "County": "[MANUFACTURER ADDRESS COUNTY]",
                                "Postcode": "[MANUFACTURER ADDRESS POSTCODE]",
                                "Country": {
                                    "CountryCode": "GB"
                            "CommodityCode": "8708301040",
                            "CommodityDescription": "Brake Pads",
                            "CountryOfOrigin": {
                                "CountryCode": "FR"
                            "NumberOfUnits": 2,
                            "UnitValue": 11.0,
                            "UnitWeight": 2.5,
                            "ProductCode": "YourProductCode2"
                    "Weight": 3.5,
                    "Length": 47.98,
                    "Width": 45.62,
                    "Height": 12.5,
                    "CommodityDetails": [
                            "CommodityCode": "8708951010",
                            "CommodityDescription": "Air Bag",
                            "CountryOfOrigin": {
                                "CountryID": 231
                            "NumberOfUnits": 1,
                            "UnitValue": 35.78,
                            "UnitWeight": 3.5,
                            "ProductCode": "YourProductCode3",
                            "ManufacturerAddress": {
                                "CompanyName": "[MANUFACTURER ADDRESS COMPANY NAME]",
                                "AddressLineOne": "[MANUFACTURER ADDRESS LINE 1]",
                                "AddressLineTwo": "[MANUFACTURER ADDRESS LINE 2]",
                                "City": "[MANUFACTURER ADDRESS CITY]",
                                "County": "[MANUFACTURER ADDRESS COUNTY]",
                                "Postcode": "[MANUFACTURER ADDRESS POSTCODE]",
                                "Country": {
                                    "CountryID": 232
        "CollectionAddress": {
            "Forename": "Joe",
            "Surname": "Bloggs",
            "EmailAddress": "",
            "TelephoneNumber": "[TELEPHONE NUMBER HERE]",
            "MobileNumber": "[MOBILE NUMBER HERE]",
            "CompanyName": "Transglobal Express",
            "AddressLineOne": "Unit 5, The Gateway",
            "AddressLineTwo": "Old Hall Road",
            "City": "Bromborough",
            "County": "Merseyside",
            "Postcode": "CH62 3NX",
            "Country": {
                "CountryID": 231
            "IsAddressResidential": false,
            "EORINumber": "[SENDER EORI NUMBER]",
            "VATNumber": "[SENDER VAT NUMBER]"
        "DeliveryAddress": {
            "Forename": "Test",
            "Surname": "Testerson",
            "EmailAddress": "",
            "TelephoneNumber": "[TELEPHONE NUMBER HERE]",
            "MobileNumber": "[MOBILE NUMBER HERE]",
            "CompanyName": "Test Corp",
            "AddressLineOne": "Test Street",
            "City": "New York",
            "County": "NY",
            "Postcode": "10005",
            "Country": {
                "CountryCode": "US"
            "IsAddressResidential": true,
            "EORINumber": "[RECEIVER EORI NUMBER]",
            "VATNumber": "[RECEIVER VAT NUMBER]"
        "ExporterAddress": {
            "Forename": "Joe",
            "Surname": "Bloggs",
            "EmailAddress": "",
            "TelephoneNumber": "[TELEPHONE NUMBER HERE]",
            "MobileNumber": "[MOBILE NUMBER HERE]",
            "CompanyName": "Transglobal Express",
            "AddressLineOne": "Unit 5, The Gateway",
            "AddressLineTwo": "Old Hall Road",
            "City": "Bromborough",
            "County": "Merseyside",
            "Postcode": "CH62 3NX",
            "Country": {
                "CountryID": 231
            "IsAddressResidential": false,
            "EORINumber": "[EXPORTER EORI NUMBER]",
            "VATNumber": "[EXPORTER VAT NUMBER]"
        "ImporterAddress": {
            "Forename": "Test",
            "Surname": "Testerson",
            "EmailAddress": "",
            "TelephoneNumber": "[TELEPHONE NUMBER HERE]",
            "MobileNumber": "[MOBILE NUMBER HERE]",
            "CompanyName": "Test Corp",
            "AddressLineOne": "Test Street",
            "City": "New York",
            "County": "NY",
            "Postcode": "10005",
            "Country": {
                "CountryCode": "US"
            "IsAddressResidential": true,
            "EORINumber": "[IMPORTER EORI NUMBER]",
            "VATNumber": "[IMPORTER VAT NUMBER]"
    "BookDetails": {
        "ServiceID": 53,
        "YourReference": "MyRef123",
        "ShippingCharges": 45.89,
        "Collection": {
            "CollectionDate": "2020-04-07",
            "ReadyFrom": "12:30",
            "CollectionOptionID": 1
        "BookAccessories": [
                "Code": "SIG"
        "Insurance": {
            "CoverValue": 119.78,
            "ExcessValue": 20.0,
            "GoodsAreNew": true,
            "GoodsAreFragile": false
        "DeliveryInstructions": "Leave in the porch"
XML - Shipment version
    <BookShipmentRequest xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
            <APIKey>[API KEY]</APIKey>
            <Password>[API PASSWORD]</Password>
                                <CommodityDescription>Car Batteries</CommodityDescription>
                                    <CompanyName>[MANUFACTURER ADDRESS COMPANY NAME]</CompanyName>
                                    <AddressLineOne>[MANUFACTURER ADDRESS LINE 1]</AddressLineOne>
                                    <AddressLineTwo>[MANUFACTURER ADDRESS LINE 2]</AddressLineTwo>
                                    <City>[MANUFACTURER ADDRESS CITY]</City>
                                    <County>[MANUFACTURER ADDRESS COUNTY]</County>
                                    <Postcode>[MANUFACTURER ADDRESS POSTCODE]</Postcode>
                                <CommodityDescription>Brake Pads</CommodityDescription>
                                <CommodityDescription>Air Bag</CommodityDescription>
                                    <CompanyName>[MANUFACTURER ADDRESS COMPANY NAME]</CompanyName>
                                    <AddressLineOne>[MANUFACTURER ADDRESS LINE 1]</AddressLineOne>
                                    <AddressLineTwo>[MANUFACTURER ADDRESS LINE 2]</AddressLineTwo>
                                    <City>[MANUFACTURER ADDRESS CITY]</City>
                                    <County>[MANUFACTURER ADDRESS COUNTY]</County>
                                    <Postcode>[MANUFACTURER ADDRESS POSTCODE]</Postcode>
                <TelephoneNumber>[TELEPHONE NUMBER HERE]</TelephoneNumber>
                <MobileNumber>[MOBILE NUMBER HERE]</MobileNumber>
                <CompanyName>Transglobal Express</CompanyName>
                <AddressLineOne>Unit 5, The Gateway</AddressLineOne>
                <AddressLineTwo>Old Hall Road</AddressLineTwo>
                <Postcode>CH62 3NX</Postcode>
                <EORINumber>[SENDER EORI NUMBER]</EORINumber>
                <TelephoneNumber>[TELEPHONE NUMBER HERE]</TelephoneNumber>
                <MobileNumber>[MOBILE NUMBER HERE]</MobileNumber>
                <CompanyName>Test Corp</CompanyName>
                <AddressLineOne>Test Street</AddressLineOne>
                <City>New York</City>
                <EORINumber>[RECEIVER EORI NUMBER]</EORINumber>
                <TelephoneNumber>[TELEPHONE NUMBER HERE]</TelephoneNumber>
                <MobileNumber>[MOBILE NUMBER HERE]</MobileNumber>
                <CompanyName>Transglobal Express</CompanyName>
                <AddressLineOne>Unit 5, The Gateway</AddressLineOne>
                <AddressLineTwo>Old Hall Road</AddressLineTwo>
                <Postcode>CH62 3NX</Postcode>
                <EORINumber>[SENDER EORI NUMBER]</EORINumber>
                <VATNumber>[SENDER VAT NUMBER]</VATNumber>
                <TelephoneNumber>[TELEPHONE NUMBER HERE]</TelephoneNumber>
                <MobileNumber>[MOBILE NUMBER HERE]</MobileNumber>
                <CompanyName>Test Corp</CompanyName>
                <AddressLineOne>Test Street</AddressLineOne>
                <City>New York</City>
                <EORINumber>[RECEIVER EORI NUMBER]</EORINumber>
                <VATNumber>[RECEIVER VAT NUMBER]</VATNumber>
Property Name Data Type Parent M Comment Example
BookShipmentRequest Container   M The root container for the request.  
Credentials Container BookShipmentRequest M The api credentials container.  
APIKey string Credentials M The api key. Th6fLmTxBv
Password string Credentials M The api password.
Please note this is NOT the password used to log into the website.
QuoteSelection Container BookShipmentRequest M The quote selection container.  
QuoteID integer QuoteSelection M The quote id to get shipment details from. 183
Shipment Container BookShipmentRequest M The shipment container.  
Consignment Container Shipment M The consignment container.  
ItemType string Consignment M The item type.
Valid values are: Parcel, Document, Pallet, Suitcase
ItemsAreStackable string Consignment O Indicates whether or not the items in the consignment are stackable.
Valid values are "true" and "false".
Some carriers levy a surcharge if the items are not stackable, which will be show as part of the price breakdown of the service result. If not supplied the value will be defaulted to "true", however if the items go on to be deemed non stackable by the carrier and a surcharge applied this will be invoiced by our accounts team.
ConsignmentSummary string Consignment M The summmary for the whole consignment. Car Parts
ConsignmentValue decimal Consignment M The monetary value for the whole consignment. 102.78
ConsignmentCurrency Container Consignment O Defines the currency the consignment value/commodity unit values are specified in.
Please note: This section only specifies the currency for the consignment value/commodity values that will be used on your customs invoice, it does not affect any monetary values received in the api response; any monetary values in an api response will be in the default currency of GBP
CurrencyCode string ConsignmentCurrency M The currency code that specifies the consignment value currency. Available options are:
GBP: Great British Pound
EUR: Euro
USD: US Dollar
AUD: Australian Dollar
NZD: New Zealand Dollar
CAD: Canadian Dollar
CHF: Swiss Franc
CNY: Chinese Renminbi
SEK: Swedish Krona
HKD: Hong Kong Dollar
AED: UAE Dirham
JPY: Japanese Yen
Packages Container Consignment M The container for consignment items.  
Package Container Packages M The container for a consignment item.
Note: The element container is used in XML format requests, if using JSON format it is not explicitly named, the "Packages" element (see above) is an array of Package objects. This is demonstrated in the provided JSON example above this table.
Weight decimal Package M The item weight in Kg. 3.5
Length decimal Package M The item length in Cm. 47.98
Width decimal Package M The item width in Cm. 45.62
Height decimal Package M The item height in Cm. 12.5
CommodityDetails Container Package C The container for commodity information.
The information provided in this section will be used to generate a packing list if required when exporting to/importing from the destination. Some carriers require this information in order to place a booking with them, so this information may be required even if the client will be using their own packing list.
The CommodityDetails must be provided if the shipment ItemType is not Document type, and it is importing from or exporting to a country outside of the EU.
CommodityLine Container CommodityDetails O The container for commodity line information for each commodity type within the package.
Note: The element container is used in XML format requests, if using JSON format it is not explicitly named, the "CommodityDetails" element (see above) is an array of CommodityLine objects. This is demonstrated in the provided JSON example above this table.
CommodityCode string CommodityLine O The commodity code. 8708999790
CommodityDescription string CommodityLine M The commodity description. Car Batteries
CountryOfOrigin Container CommodityLine M The container for defining the country of origin.
Note this is the same container format when specifying a country anywhere in this request.
CountryID integer CountryOfOrigin C The country id as defined within the Transglobal Express system.
Note: This value can be omitted if providing a value for CountryCode. If both CountryID and CountryCode are provided, the CountryCode value will be ignored and the country will be selected based on the CountryID value.
Country id values can be discovered via the countries section of the Transglobal Express API (/Country/V2/GetCountries).
CountryCode string CountryOfOrigin C The ISO code for the country.
Note: This value can be omitted if providing a value for CountryID. If both CountryID and CountryCode are provided, the CountryCode value will be ignored and the country will be selected based on the CountryID value.
Country code values can be discovered via the countries section of the Transglobal Express API (/Country/V2/GetCountries).
NumberOfUnits integer CommodityLine M The number of items for this commodity within the package.
If sending large quantites of commodities it may be necessary to specify the number based on subgroupings such as "packs" rather than the individual unit. Some carriers validate the commodity data stringently and therefore so must we.
An example would be sending a box of 10,000 pens in packs of 20, with a total value of £50.00
If specifying 1000 units the unit price would be £0.005, which would then be rejected by the carrier. If the unit value was increased to the minimum allowed ad inflated consignment value would be declared that could potentially incur greater customs charges. The best solution therefore is to specify the CommodityDescription as "pack of pens" and NumberOfUnits as "500" and then you can specify the unit value as "0.1".
UnitValue decimal CommodityLine M The monetary value of a single commodity item. 11.00
UnitWeight decimal CommodityLine M The weight in Kg of a single commodity item. 2.5
ProductCode decimal CommodityLine C The product code/reference of the commodities being sent. If you have products set up in your Account Product Library (See "Save items in your Product Library" on our Contents Declaration Page for more information), and you this will be used to link your commodity line to that product and gain access to data set there such as the manufacturer address, which may be required by certain carriers (eg USPS). PR012462542
ManufacturerAddress Container CommodityLine C When sending with USPS, certain HS codes (subject to change) may require manufacturer address to be supplied in order for the booking to be accepted. This can be passed via this ManufacturerAddress property, or be automatically looked up via the ProductCode property if you have an entry in your Transglobal Account Product Library matching that product code with a manufacturer address already set.
When passing via the ManufacturerAddress property, you can use the same object as is used for Collection/Delivery address. While the Forename, Surname, TelephoneNumber, EmailAddress properies need not be populated for the manufacturer address, including them will not negatively affect the booking.
CompanyName string ManufacturerAddress M The company name. Transglobal Express Ltd
AddressLineOne string ManufacturerAddress M The address line one. Unit 5, The Gateway
AddressLineTwo string ManufacturerAddress O The address line two. Old Hall Road
City string ManufacturerAddress M The city. Bromborough
County string ManufacturerAddress C The county.
While optional in most cases, when the addess is for the United States or Canada, the two letter state code must be provided here.
Postcode string ManufacturerAddress C The postcode.
This is mandatory for all countries that have a postal or zip code. It is marked as conditional here because some countries such as Ireland (at the time of writing this documentation) do not use postcodes and as such no postcode would be required for an address in that country.
CH62 3NX
Country Container ManufacturerAddress M The postcode.
The container for defining the address country.
Note this is the same container format when specifying a country anywhere in this request.
CountryID integer Country C The country id as defined within the Transglobal Express system.
Note: This value can be omitted if providing a value for CountryCode. If both CountryID and CountryCode are provided, the CountryCode value will be ignored and the country will be selected based on the CountryID value.
Country id values can be discovered via the countries section of the Transglobal Express API (/Country/V2/GetCountries).
CountryCode string Country C The ISO code for the country.
Note: This value can be omitted if providing a value for CountryID. If both CountryID and CountryCode are provided, the CountryCode value will be ignored and the country will be selected based on the CountryID value.
Country code values can be discovered via the countries section of the Transglobal Express API (/Country/V2/GetCountries).
CollectionAddress Container Shipment M The collection address container.  
Forename string CollectionAddress M The forename. Joe
Surname string CollectionAddress M The surname. Bloggs
Surname string CollectionAddress M The surname. Bloggs
EmailAddress string CollectionAddress M The email address.
TelephoneNumber string CollectionAddress M The phone number. 01234567890
MobileNumber string CollectionAddress O The mobile phone number. 01234567890
CompanyName string CollectionAddress O The company name. Transglobal Express
AddressLineOne string CollectionAddress M The address line one. Unit 5, The Gateway
AddressLineTwo string CollectionAddress O The address line two. Old Hall Road
City string CollectionAddress M The city. Bromborough
County string CollectionAddress C The county.
While optional in most cases, when the addess is for the United States or Canada, the two letter state code must be provided here.
Postcode string CollectionAddress C The postcode.
This is mandatory for all countries that have a postal or zip code. It is marked as conditional here because some countries such as Ireland (at the time of writing this documentation) do not use postcodes and as such no postcode would be required for an address in that country.
CH62 3NX
Country Container CollectionAddress M The postcode.
The container for defining the address country.
Note this is the same container format when specifying a country anywhere in this request.
CountryID integer Country C The country id as defined within the Transglobal Express system.
Note: This value can be omitted if providing a value for CountryCode. If both CountryID and CountryCode are provided, the CountryCode value will be ignored and the country will be selected based on the CountryID value.
Country id values can be discovered via the countries section of the Transglobal Express API (/Country/V2/GetCountries).
CountryCode string Country C The ISO code for the country.
Note: This value can be omitted if providing a value for CountryID. If both CountryID and CountryCode are provided, the CountryCode value will be ignored and the country will be selected based on the CountryID value.
Country code values can be discovered via the countries section of the Transglobal Express API (/Country/V2/GetCountries).
IsAddressResidential boolean CollectionAddress O Indicates whether or not the address is residential.
true = Residential
false = Non Residential
EORINumber string CollectionAddress C The sender EORI Number GBXXXXXXX
VATNumber string CollectionAddress O The sender VAT Number FRXXXXXXX
DeliveryAddress Container Shipment M The collection address container.  
Forename string DeliveryAddress M The forename. Joe
Surname string DeliveryAddress M The surname. Bloggs
Surname string DeliveryAddress M The surname. Bloggs
EmailAddress string DeliveryAddress M The email address.
TelephoneNumber string DeliveryAddress M The phone number. 01234567890
MobileNumber string DeliveryAddress O The mobile phone number. 01234567890
CompanyName string DeliveryAddress O The company name. Transglobal Express
AddressLineOne string DeliveryAddress M The address line one. Unit 5, The Gateway
AddressLineTwo string DeliveryAddress O The address line two. Old Hall Road
City string DeliveryAddress M The city. Bromborough
County string DeliveryAddress C The county.
While optional in most cases, when the addess is for the United States or Canada, the two letter state code must be provided here.
Postcode string DeliveryAddress C The postcode.
This is mandatory for all countries that have a postal or zip code. It is marked as conditional here because some countries such as Ireland (at the time of writing this documentation) do not use postcodes and as such no postcode would be required for an address in that country.
CH62 3NX
Country Container DeliveryAddress M The postcode.
The container for defining the address country.
Note this is the same container format when specifying a country anywhere in this request.
CountryID integer Country C The country id as defined within the Transglobal Express system.
Note: This value can be omitted if providing a value for CountryCode. If both CountryID and CountryCode are provided, the CountryCode value will be ignored and the country will be selected based on the CountryID value.
Country id values can be discovered via the countries section of the Transglobal Express API (/Country/V2/GetCountries).
CountryCode string Country C The ISO code for the country.
Note: This value can be omitted if providing a value for CountryID. If both CountryID and CountryCode are provided, the CountryCode value will be ignored and the country will be selected based on the CountryID value.
Country code values can be discovered via the countries section of the Transglobal Express API (/Country/V2/GetCountries).
IsAddressResidential boolean DeliveryAddress O Indicates whether or not the address is residential.
true = Residential
false = Non Residential
EORINumber string DeliveryAddress C The receiver EORI Number FRXXXXXXX
VATNumber string DeliveryAddress O The receiver VAT Number FRXXXXXXX
ExporterAddress Container Shipment M The exporter address container.
Please note, this is optional. If your exporter address details are an exact match of the CollectionAddress details then you do not need to include this section (though you can if you wish).
Forename string ExporterAddress M The forename. Joe
Surname string ExporterAddress M The surname. Bloggs
Surname string ExporterAddress M The surname. Bloggs
EmailAddress string ExporterAddress M The email address.
TelephoneNumber string ExporterAddress M The phone number. 01234567890
MobileNumber string ExporterAddress O The mobile phone number. 01234567890
CompanyName string ExporterAddress O The company name. Transglobal Express
AddressLineOne string ExporterAddress M The address line one. Unit 5, The Gateway
AddressLineTwo string ExporterAddress O The address line two. Old Hall Road
City string ExporterAddress M The city. Bromborough
County string ExporterAddress C The county.
While optional in most cases, when the addess is for the United States or Canada, the two letter state code must be provided here.
Postcode string ExporterAddress C The postcode.
This is mandatory for all countries that have a postal or zip code. It is marked as conditional here because some countries such as Ireland (at the time of writing this documentation) do not use postcodes and as such no postcode would be required for an address in that country.
CH62 3NX
Country Container ExporterAddress M The postcode.
The container for defining the address country.
Note this is the same container format when specifying a country anywhere in this request.
CountryID integer Country C The country id as defined within the Transglobal Express system.
Note: This value can be omitted if providing a value for CountryCode. If both CountryID and CountryCode are provided, the CountryCode value will be ignored and the country will be selected based on the CountryID value.
Country id values can be discovered via the countries section of the Transglobal Express API (/Country/V2/GetCountries).
CountryCode string Country C The ISO code for the country.
Note: This value can be omitted if providing a value for CountryID. If both CountryID and CountryCode are provided, the CountryCode value will be ignored and the country will be selected based on the CountryID value.
Country code values can be discovered via the countries section of the Transglobal Express API (/Country/V2/GetCountries).
IsAddressResidential boolean CollectionAddress O Indicates whether or not the address is residential.
true = Residential
false = Non Residential
EORINumber string ExporterAddress C The sender EORI Number.
This will take precedence over an EORI number value entered in both the CollectionAddress section and BookDetails section.
VATNumber string ExporterAddress O The sender VAT Number.
This will take precedence over a VAT number value entered in both the CollectionAddress section and BookDetails section.
ImporterAddress Container Shipment O The importer address container.
Please note, this is optional. If your importer address details are an exact match of the DeliveryAddress details then you do not need to include this section (though you can if you wish).
Forename string ImporterAddress M The forename. Joe
Surname string ImporterAddress M The surname. Bloggs
Surname string ImporterAddress M The surname. Bloggs
EmailAddress string ImporterAddress M The email address.
TelephoneNumber string ImporterAddress M The phone number. 01234567890
MobileNumber string ImporterAddress O The mobile phone number. 01234567890
CompanyName string ImporterAddress O The company name. Transglobal Express
AddressLineOne string ImporterAddress M The address line one. Unit 5, The Gateway
AddressLineTwo string ImporterAddress O The address line two. Old Hall Road
City string ImporterAddress M The city. Bromborough
County string ImporterAddress C The county.
While optional in most cases, when the addess is for the United States or Canada, the two letter state code must be provided here.
Postcode string ImporterAddress C The postcode.
This is mandatory for all countries that have a postal or zip code. It is marked as conditional here because some countries such as Ireland (at the time of writing this documentation) do not use postcodes and as such no postcode would be required for an address in that country.
CH62 3NX
Country Container ImporterAddress M The postcode.
The container for defining the address country.
Note this is the same container format when specifying a country anywhere in this request.
CountryID integer Country C The country id as defined within the Transglobal Express system.
Note: This value can be omitted if providing a value for CountryCode. If both CountryID and CountryCode are provided, the CountryCode value will be ignored and the country will be selected based on the CountryID value.
Country id values can be discovered via the countries section of the Transglobal Express API (/Country/V2/GetCountries).
CountryCode string Country C The ISO code for the country.
Note: This value can be omitted if providing a value for CountryID. If both CountryID and CountryCode are provided, the CountryCode value will be ignored and the country will be selected based on the CountryID value.
Country code values can be discovered via the countries section of the Transglobal Express API (/Country/V2/GetCountries).
IsAddressResidential boolean ImporterAddress O Indicates whether or not the address is residential.
true = Residential
false = Non Residential
EORINumber string ImporterAddress C The receiver EORI Number.
This will take precedence over an EORI number value entered in both the DeliveryAddress section and BookDetails section.
VATNumber string ImporterAddress O The receiver VAT Number.
This will take precedence over a VAT number value entered in both the DeliveryAddress section and BookDetails section.
BookDetails Container BookShipmentRequest M The book details container.  
ServiceID integer BookDetails M The id of the service to book order with.
This can be found in the ServiceID property of the service result in the GetQuote response.
YourReference string BookDetails O The order reference used within your system.
Including this will allow us to make the order searchable from your account by the order reference that is used on your system. Some carrier will also display it on their generated label (though this is not guaranteed for all carriers).
EORINumber string BookDetails O DEPRECATED: where possible use EORINumber fields as part of the address sections.
The sender EORI number in the case of exports, The receiver EORI number in the case of imports.
Please note - if the relevant EORI number is populated as part of the address, that value will be used instead of this one. When this happens a warning message stating this will be returned in the response.
VATNumber string BookDetails O DEPRECATED: where possible use EORINumber fields as part of the address sections.
The sender VAT number in the case of exports, the receiver VAT number in the case of imports.
Please note - if the relevant VAT number is populated as part of an address, that value will be used instead of this one. When this happens a warning message stating this will be returned in the response.
IOSSNumber string BookDetails O Your IOSS number. 012345678910
IncludePreferredOriginNoticeOnPackingList boolean BookDetails O If your goods are being sent into th EU and can be declared as being of preferential origin, setting this property to true will display this declaration on the Transglobal generated customs invoice. true
ShippingCharges decimal BookDetails O The shipping charges to be used on customs invoice. 45.89
Delivery Instructions string BookDetails O The delivery instructions to be added onto the order. This field is optional because it is a carrier specific field. 64 characters max. Leave in porch
Collection Container BookDetails O The container for collection details.
If this section is omitted from the request, a collection WILL NOT be booked as part of the order.
CollectionDate string Collection M The collection date.
Must be in fromat YYYY-MM-DD
ReadyFrom string Collection O The time from which the consignment will be ready for collection.
Must be in fromat HH:MM
If ommitted a value of 09:00 will be used when booking with carriers.
CollectionOptionID integer Collection O The id of the collection option you wish to use to collect the consignment.
The id can be found in the CollectionOptionID property within the GetQuote response object.
BookAccessories Container BookDetails O The container for optional booking extras.  
BookAccessory Container BookAccessories M The book accessory item. Note: The element container is used in XML format requests, if using JSON format it is not explicitly named, the "BookAccessories" element (see above) is an array of BookAccessory objects. This is demonstrated in the provided JSON example above this table.  
Code string BookAccessory M The identifying code of the book accessory. SIG
Insurance Container BookDetails O The container for insurance details.  
CoverValue decimal Insurance M The value for which to cover the goods. 119.78
ExcessValue decimal Insurance M The insurance excess value. 20
GoodsAreNew boolean Insurance M Indicates whether or not the goods are in new condition. true
GoodsAreFragile boolean Insurance M Indicates whether or not the goods are fragile. false

The Response

JSON Successful response
    "Status": "SUCCESS",
    "Notifications": [],
    "OrderReference": "TP-0445469",
    "OrderInvoice": {
        "InvoiceReference": null,
        "TotalNet": 97.23,
        "Tax": 0.00,
        "TotalGross": 97.23,
        "InvoiceItems": [
                "ItemDescription": "TG Express Worldwide\n 2 x Packages (Total Chargeable Weight: 28.50kg)\nFrom: CH62 3NX, GB\nTo: Test Street, , 10005, US",
                "AmountNet": 77.57
                "ItemDescription": "Collection",
                "AmountNet": 19.66
    "Labels": [
            "LabelRole": "Collection",
            "LabelFormat": "PDF",
            "LabelSize": "A4",
            "AirWaybillReference": "68531156511651651",
            "LabelContent": "JVBERi0xLjUKJeLjz9MKMSAwIG9iago8PC9BbHRlcm5hdGUvRGV2aWNlUkdCL0xlbmd0aCAyNTk1L04gMy9GaWx0ZXIvRmxhdGVEZWNvZGU+PnN0...[BASE 64 LABEL CONTENT]",
            "DownloadURL": "[URL STRING]",
            "CarrierName": "DHL",
            "ServiceName": "TG Express Worldwide"
            "LabelRole": "Collection",
            "LabelFormat": "PDF",
            "LabelSize": "Thermal",
            "AirWaybillReference": "68531156511651651",
            "LabelContent": "JVBERi0xLjUKJeLjz9MKMSAwIG9iago8PC9BbHRlcm5hdGUvRGV2aWNlUkdCL0xlbmd0aCAyNTk1L04gMy9GaWx0ZXIvRmxhdGVEZWNvZGU+PnN0c...[BASE 64 LABEL CONTENT]",
            "DownloadURL": "[URL STRING]",
            "CarrierName": "DHL",
            "ServiceName": "TG Express Worldwide"
    "Documents": [
            "DocumentType": "PackingList",
            "Format": "PDF",
            "Content": "JVBERi0xLjUKJeLjz9MKMSAwIG9iago8PC9UeXBlL1hPYmplY3QvQml0c1BlckNvbXBvbmVudCA4L1N1YnR5cGUvSW1hZ2UvV2lkdGggMjAwL0NvbG9yU3B...[BASE 64 DOCUMENT CONTENT]",
            "DownloadURL": "[URL STRING]"
    "TrackingURL": "[URL STRING]"
XML Successful response
    <BookShipmentResponse xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
        <Notifications xmlns:d2p1="" />
                        TG Express Worldwide
                        2 x Packages (Total Chargeable Weight: 28.50kg)
                        From: CH62 3NX, GB
                        To: Test Street, , 10005, US
            <InvoiceReference i:nil="true" />
                <LabelContent>JVBERi0xLjUKJeLjz9MKMSAwIG9iago8PC9BbHRlcm5hdGUvRGV2aWNlUkdCL0xlbmd0aCAyNTk1L04gMy9GaWx0ZXIvRmxhdGVEZWNvZGU+PnN0cmVhbQp4nJ2Wd1RU1xaHz713eqHNMBQpQ+...[BASE 64 LABEL CONTENT]</LabelContent>
                <DownloadURL>[URL STRING]</DownloadURL>
                <ServiceName>TG Express Worldwide</ServiceName>
                <LabelContent>JVBERi0xLjUKJeLjz9MKMSAwIG9iago8PC9BbHRlcm5hdGUvRGV2aWNlUkdCL0xlbmd0aCAyNTk1L04gMy9GaWx0ZXIvRmxhdGVEZWNvZGU+PnN0cmVhbQp4nJ2Wd1RU1xaHz713eqHNMBQpQ...[BASE 64 DOCUMENT CONTENT]</LabelContent>
                <DownloadURL>[URL STRING]</DownloadURL>
                <ServiceName>TG Express Worldwide</ServiceName>
                <Content>JVBERi0xLjUKJeLjz9MKMSAwIG9iago8PC9UeXBlL1hPYmplY3QvQml0c1BlckNvbXBvbmVudCA4L1N1YnR5cGUvSW1hZ2UvV2lkdGggMjAwL0NvbG9yU3BhY2UvRGV2aWNlUkdCL0ZpbHRlci9GbG...[BASE 64 LABEL CONTENT]</Content>
                <DownloadURL>[URL STRING]</DownloadURL>
        <TrackingURL>[URL STRING]</TrackingURL>
JSON Fail response
    "Status": "FAIL",
    "Notifications": [
            "Message": "Rate not found for selected service",
            "Severity": "ERROR"
    "OrderReference": null,
    "OrderInvoice": null,
    "Labels": null,
    "Documents": null
XML Fail response
<BookShipmentResponse xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
    <Documents i:nil="true" />
    <Labels i:nil="true" />
            <Message>Rate not found for selected service</Message>
    <OrderInvoice i:nil="true" />
    <OrderReference i:nil="true" />

Property Name Data Type Parent M Comment Example
BookShipmentResponse string   M The root element of the response.
When returning JSON this is not explicitly named but is instead the object container of the response.
Status string BookShipmentResponse M The status indicating whe success of the request.
Possible values are: SUCCESS, PARTIAL, FAIL, ERROR
Notifications Container BookShipmentResponse M The container for list of notifications.
Can be empty.
Notification Container Notifications M The container for notifications information.
When using JSON this element is not explicitly named, instead the Notifications property is a list of anonymous objects containing the notification data.
Message string Notification M The notification message. Authentication Failed
Severity string Notification M The notification severity level. ERROR
OrderReference string BookShipmentResponse M The notification severity level. TP-0123456
OrderInvoice Container BookShipmentResponse M The invoice container.  
InvoiceReference string OrderInvoice O The invoice reference.
The is only expected to return if booking on a "Card" account. In the case of credit accounts the invoice items will be appended to the currently open invoice that will be sent out on the monthly billing cycle and as such will not have an individual invoice reference at the time of booking.
TotalNet decimal OrderInvoice M The total net value. 97.23
Tax decimal OrderInvoice M The total tax value. 12.3
TotalGross decimal OrderInvoice M The total gross value. 109.53
InvoiceItems Container OrderInvoice M The container for the individual invoice items.  
OrderInvoiceItem Container InvoiceItems M The container for the invoice items.
When using JSON this element is not explicitly named, instead the InvoiceItems property is a list of anonymous objects containing the invoice item data.
ItemDescription decimal OrderInvoiceItem M The item description. Remote Charge
AmountNet decimal OrderInvoiceItem M The net value for the item. 77.57
Labels Container BookShipmentResponse M The container for list of notifications.
Can be empty.
Label Container Labels M The container for label information.
When using JSON this element is not explicitly named, instead the Labels property is a list of anonymous objects containing the label data.
LabelRole string Label M The role the label plays within the shipment.
Primary - The label that will direct your shipment to it's final destination. For non "warehouse" services this will be the only label required from collection to delivery.
Collection - Used in the case of "warehouse" services. This label that will will take your shipment from the collection point to our warehouse depot. If a primary label was not supplied in the response, you need only affix the collection label, the primary label will be printed and attached upon receiving your shipment at our warehouse depot.
LabelFormat string Label M The label format.
Currently labels are returned exclusively in PDF format across all services, so this property mostly server the purpose of "future proofing".
LabelSize string Label M The label size.
A4 - label is designed to print out on A4 sized paper. This is the default label as generated by the carrier.
Thermal - label has been transformed for intention of printing on a thermal label printer. While available for most services, there are some carriers where a thermal label cannot be offered (eg Fedex) so this version of the label should not be relied on.
AirWaybillReference string Label M The label air waybill reference returned by the carrier. 68531156511651651
LabelContent string Label M The label content in Base64 encoding. [LARGE BASE64 STRING]
DownloadURL string Label M The url for downloading the label
If a change has been made and the job rebooked (for example the client has called customer services to amend an address) this will return the most recent label for the label role.
CarrierName string Label M The carrier name DHL
ServiceName string Label M The service name TG Express Worldwide
Documents Container BookShipmentResponse M The container for list of notifications.
Can be empty.
Document Container Documents M The container for document information.
When using JSON this element is not explicitly named, instead the Documents property is a list of anonymous objects containing the document data.
DocumentType string Document M The type of the document (this pertains to the role it plays within the shipment process as opposed to the format type which is defined separately). PackingList
Format string Document M The document format.
Currently documents we will return (such as packing list) are returned exclusively in PDF format across all services, so this property mostly server the purpose of "future proofing".
Content string Document M The document content in Base64 encoding. PDF
DownloadURL string Document M The url for downloading the document
If a change has been made to the document (for example the client has called customer services and amendment has been made to the packing list) this will return the most recent version of the document.
TrackingURL string BookShipmentResponse M The tracking url.
PLEASE NOTE: This tracking url links to the Transglobal Express tracking page. No tracking information can be returned as the carriers do not provide simulated tracking data.
The staging site is ip restricted currently, so in order to view the staging tracking link you will need to send any ip addresses that need "whitelisting" to
FailReference string BookShipmentResponse O If an order fails via the API then no action corrective action will be taken on it by the Transglobal Express customer services team, as the client system will think it has failed and have no way of knowing when it is fixed.
If an order fails at a point after a reference has been created in our system it will be returned with the failed response. Should the client wish to seek assistance from customer services or IT support this reference can be used to identify the failed order and more quickly resolve the problem.